
Business Solutions


“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

Strategy Development

A methodical process for testing, creating and/or developing your company strategy...


90% of Top Performers are high in "Emotional Intelligence". Develop the soft skills in your team ...

Process optimisation, Lean Six Sigma

Efficient processes, speed of delivery, customer satisfaction. Identify how your business can improve performance...

project & Interims Management

Get access to additional expertise and capacity to overcome your business challenges ...

About me

Ian holds Bachelor and Diplom Betriebswirt degrees in Finance and Accounting from Leeds Polytechnic in the UK and Bremen Hochschule in Germany. He has 20+ years of experience in international businesses, speaks fluent English and German. During the course of his career Ian has been a continuous learner, adding, amongst others, his MBA with the Open University and Master Black Belt (Lean Six Sigma - business process improvement) certification whilst with General Electric. After extracurricular research into the topic of “Emotional Intelligence”, Ian is now a qualified coach in the EQ-i 2.0® Tool from MHS, a certified MBTI® trainer and lectures at the University for Economics and Management (FOM).